10 Greatest Sequels In Star Trek

2. Regeneration

sequels star trek first contact picard worf hawk TNG next generation
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek: Enterprise did something very cheeky in its second year. As a prequel series, it faced something of an uphill battle with the audience. Viewers were being introduced to items and, in some cases, characters that they were well acquainted with. How on Earth could this show make things new again?

With Regeneration, the series took what had admittedly become a stale villain - and not only offered a sequel that was one of the all-timers, but twisted the prequel theme to fit the mould. 

The Borg simply should not have worked in Enterprise's setting, yet Regeneration succeeded in making them truly frightening again. Gone were the long discussions with the Queen, or the dozens of NPC drones dotted about the room. Here was a small group, born from the survivor of First Contact's Sphere, that one could easily imagine assimilating the 22nd Century. Add Brian Tyler's unsettling score for the episode and Regeneration serves as a fantastic prequel, and worthy sequel, to some of the darkest moments in Star Trek history. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick