10 Greatest Sequels In Star Trek

9. I, Mudd

sequels star trek first contact picard worf hawk TNG next generation
CBS Media Ventures

As iconic a character as Harcourt Fenton Mudd is, Mudd's Women has not aged well. Roger C. Carmel's performance of Mudd is the saving grace, at least offering a fun, cheeky trickster to the Star Trek roster of the day. While there are several sequels (and prequels, with thanks to Rainn Wilson) to choose from, it is the first sequel that truly stands out.

I, Mudd serves a delicious justice to the conman, now exalted on his throne of androids. As desperate as he was to be away from his 'beloved' Stella, he has several copies of her constructed by his new friends. These versions have a crucial element - they will go silent on his command, quite unlike the real thing.

The final reveal of those new copies with no such command request is a fun moment to see him receive his comeuppance. This was not a man we particularly wished doom on, merely a suitable level of consternation, and the look on his face says it all. His story may have evolved since then, but this remains our favourite Harry Mudd moment. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick