10 Greatest Sequels In Star Trek

8. Life, Itself

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CBS Media Ventures

Life, Itself is an outlier on this list. It is a sequel to The Chase, but also carries the burden of wrapping up Star Trek: Discovery as a whole. In both, it largely succeeds. By adding a further mystery within a mystery to the saga of the Progenitors, it manages to widen the scope of the story even further than we had previously assumed.

The revelation that the Progenitors were not the original creators of the technology that Starfleet, the Breen, Moll and L'ak were after was a stunning game changer, as almost thirty years had passed in the real world before this new twist. It also helped to continue that grand tradition of discovery, knowing that not every riddle can be answered.

The episode further shocked audiences by revealing itself to be a sequel of sorts to the Temporal Wars arc in Star Trek: Enterprise, with David Cronenberg's Agent Daniels eleventh hour reveal linking both shows. It was a deeply satisfying finale, even if there are yet more mysteries out there for us to learn.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick