10 Greatest Sequels In Star Trek

Sometimes a Star Trek story is so good that it begs a sequel, but which of them stuck the landing?

sequels star trek first contact picard worf hawk TNG next generation
Paramount Pictures

If there is a constant in this galaxy it is that a successful story will always get a sequel. This is a rule from which there is no escape, least of all here in Star Trek. A franchise that has run for as long as this one is bound to retread on soil that's been explored before - so how many times did it actually pay off? 

There are quite obvious examples that you are shouting at the screen right now, and no one could blame you. Trek has managed to perfect the art of sequel more than once. Like any franchise, it hasn't always done the original justice - that will become the focus of its own list in the future.

For now, sequels are a dish best served cold - and it is very cold in space, or on the bus you may happen to be commuting on as you read this. Either way, let's dig in. 

10. To The Death

sequels star trek first contact picard worf hawk TNG next generation
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine forged its own look and feel, drawing from the The Original and Animated Series, as well as The Next Generation.  For the fourth season episode To The Death, the show decided to pitch a sequel to Contagion, while also deepening the lore around the Dominion.

The best sequels add to what is already known. In this case, To The Death confirms what we already knew about the Iconians, but adds greater scope, now revealing that they had travelled as far as the Gamma Quadrant. The episode kicks into gear with an assault on the station - one with fairly serious repercussions.

In this sequel to the Next Generation episode, we learned that the Jem'hadar - an exclusively Deep Space Nine villain at that point - were capable of breaking from their established beliefs and gods, we learned that the Vorta are something of an administrative class within the Dominion, and we learned that Clarence Williams III does not like to be toyed with. 

The episode may simply use the Iconians as the catalyst, but both stories combine to make one of the strongest episodes of the show's fourth year.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick