10 Happiest Accidents in Doctor Who History

9. The Sea Devil€™s Vests

Sticking with costume for now, most people who at least know of Doctor Who are aware of the Sea Devils, the cousins of the Silurians and must surely be hot on their tails (although oddly for reptiles they don€™t actually have tails) for a return. €˜The Sea Devils€™ was one of the stand out serials from Jon Pertwee€™s heyday as the Doctor. Featuring the Master (more on him later), €˜the Sea Devils€™ is a classic in it€™s own right for its titular monster. The Sea Devils however were originally designed as shell-less turtle humanoids. However as soon as they were unveiled to the Directors and Producers, they freaked out because they appeared to be totally naked. The solution, one of the designers bought rolls of blue netting and made crude vests out of it. Bizarre, maybe, but if you try and come up with a reason for them wearing these, it€™s perfectly simple. These creatures live in the sea. It€™s not hard to envision them rising from hibernation, and finding masses of this netting on the seabed. The Sea Devils find this stuff could be useful. Like an inquisitive ape with a bed sheet, no doubt one of their instincts was to try and wear it. If you consider they have salvaged this stuff and using it for their own ends really adds another dimension to their culture and civilization. Of course 10 years later they returned in €˜Warriors of the Deep€™ but instead dressed in Samurai armour, but don€™t look half as good. Over-designed and just€ why? A little bit of netting was the icing on the cake for these already well designed creatures.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.