10 Heart-Breaking Doctor Who Moments

1. Donna€™s Memories Erased (€œThe Stolen Earth/Journey€™s End€, 2008)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVmr8xaDwZo Over the course of a season, Donna Noble went from just being €œa temp from Chiswick€ to being a well-rounded, confident person. She€™d moved on and had some of the most intense character development of anyone ever on Doctor Who. Then, in her final episode (more or less), all that character development was lost, and she was kicked back to square one as her memories were erased. Heartbreaking doesn€™t even begin to describe it. Infuriating just about does, as I recall being very pissed at what the show did to her. Even now, still annoys me. This one wasn€™t perhaps especially heartbreaking for the characters, but it certainly is for many, many fans. Honorable mention: The climax of €œTo the Death€ and the death of Adric.
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at wilybadger.wordpress.com