10 Hidden Details You Definitely Missed In The Good Place

2. Lonely Gal Margarita Mix for One

Good Place margarita

In most of Eleanor's living flashbacks from earth, we see her with drink in hand. Oh yes, our girl loves a little tipple. So much so, that as she dives to save her precious margarita mix in the carpark, she ultimately faces her tragic end, and she actually dies in the process. Looks like she took the phrase 'dying for a drink' a little too literally.

When the group finally arrive at the REAL good place in season 4's 'Patty', they are told they will be welcomed with a party designed just for them. 'Perfectly tailored for your essences', as Janet describes beautifully. However, as the group decide they are going to walk through the 'party portal' with arms entwined, the party is then perfectly balanced towards all four of their 'essences', or as Tahani says, 'A mish mash of all four of us'.

Some of these are more obvious as they stumble upon the room, for example the classical music for Tahani and the room itself is the suite of a hotel Jason had his prom in. However, did you see that Eleanor's precious Margarita Mix for One is sneakily popped in the background? So, in Eleanor's eyes, no party is complete without an ice cold, ready-made margarita, 'drank through a twisler straw' as she explains moments before she meets her destiny.


Pippa Crone hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.