10 Hidden Details You Definitely Missed In The Good Place

1. The Magic Panda

Good Place Panda

In "Chapter Two: Dance Dance Resolution", the humans discover that they've gone to Mindy St. Claire's house in the Medium Place multiple times across Michael's reboots, and they've kept a log of all of their plans to stop him in his tracks.

One idea from Jason simply reads: "Catch the magic panda, use her powers." A lot of people just though, oh, silly Jason, but what many didn’t know is that the panda is REAL!

Oh yes, the magic panda later briefly appears during Season Two's "Leap to Faith", at the 12-minute, 16-second mark.

"[The panda] is teleporting around the scene, it's eating bamboo, and it's causing destruction," said the show's editor, Eric Kissack, on "The Good Place: The Podcast."

Silly Jason wasn’t actually so silly afterall.


Pippa Crone hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.