10 Historicals That Show What Modern Doctor Who Is Missing

8. The Romans

Doctor Who Marco Polo William Hartnell First Doctor
BBC Studios

In 1965's The Romans, the First Doctor has a new companion in Vicki. He is still travelling with Ian and Barbara but has left Susan on Earth in the future, in the ruins of society after a full-scale Dalek invasion - as you do.

The Doctor and his companions are taking a vacation, lounging around in a Roman villa while its occupants are away. When the Doctor and Vicki are on their way to Rome, they happen upon the body of a murdered lyre player who happens to resemble the Doctor. The Doctor gets mistaken for the lyre player and is brought to the court of Emperor Nero. Meanwhile, Ian and Barbara are attacked in the villa and get kidnapped to be sold as slaves! Charming.

Despite its seemingly heavy subject matter, the story is actually rather comedic, with a buffoonish Nero and an unusually witty (and physically capable) First Doctor. One of the highlights of the story is the Doctor’s delight in realizing that it was his presence and influence that caused Nero to burn down Rome.

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