10 Historicals That Show What Modern Doctor Who Is Missing

7. The Highlanders

Doctor Who Marco Polo William Hartnell First Doctor
BBC Studios

Second Doctor serial The Highlanders is another production where all of the episodes are missing, so the only way to watch it is through a reconstruction.

Here, the Second Doctor is traveling with Ben and Polly, and has recently regenerated. While this isn’t the first Second Doctor story, it is the first one where Patrick Troughton really gets into gear as his own incarnation of the Time Lord.

The Doctor and his companions arrive in Scotland right after a battle between the English and the Jacobites. Walking around the battlefield gets them in immediate trouble as they are captured by a gang of highlanders, including a young lad named Jamie McCrimmon (who would go on to become one of the longest-running companions in the history of the show).

The story is one where a shady character named Grey sells imprisoned highlanders for slave labour, and the Doctor has to facilitate an armed uprising on the slave ship to set them free.

Despite the dark subject matter, this is a story where the Doctor goes around wearing silly disguises, and even gets to perform a Bugs Bunny-like routine while pretending to be a German doctor.

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