10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Black Mirror Characters

3. White Christmas - 1,000 Years A Minute


White Christmas doesn't give anyone any breaks. After Matt tells his story of woe, Joe decides to share how his fiancee, Beth, blocked him after wanting an abortion. However, he finds out Beth has inexplicably kept the baby.

After years stalking the girl to Beth's father's remote cabin, the block is lifted when Beth dies. Joe discovers, however, she had an affair and the child is not his. Killing her father in a fit of rage, he leaves the house, and the child dies two days later in the cold after trying to find help.

Before this confession, Matt told Joe his previous job involved training "cookies", people's copied consciousnesses, to be AI servants to their real-life counterparts. It turns out that Joe is a cookie, as the real-life Joe would not confess to the murder and manslaughter. It was Matt's job to get a confession from Joe, and their cabin was an elaborate virtual construct that slowly morphs throughout the episode into the father's house.

After Matt leaves the virtual world, the police change cookie Joe's perception of time to experience a thousand years every real-life minute. Joe is indeed a murderer, yet his punishment of being stuck inside one room for thousands of years, with I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day continuously on repeat, is a mind-breaking prospect.

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.