10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Doctor Who Characters

5. Bill Potts Is Shot In The Chest And Converted (World Enough And Time)

Doctor Who Ursula Blake Love & Monsters
BBC Studios

Plenty of Doctor Who characters have been turned into Cybermen in the past, but none have hit harder than the case of Bill Potts.

Like every other companion before her, she trusted the Doctor implicitly, believing that he would always save the day and get everyone out unscathed. So when that gun went BANG in World Enough and Time and the camera panned down to reveal a black, charred hole in Bill's chest, it was truly shocking, both for us and the characters.

And just when it looked like things couldn't get any worse, they did. Bill was taken away by some mysterious figures dressed in white, and at the end of the episode, we learned that she'd been converted into a Mondasian Cyberman.

A camera shot follows that pushes inside her Cyber eye-hole to show the real Bill, a single tear leaking from the corner of her eye. It really hits home that this is a terrified human person who's been operated on and stuffed inside this creepy-looking machine.

The Doctor completely failed to save his companion - not something that happens very often - and as a result, she became someone's twisted surgical experiment.

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