10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Doctor Who Characters

4. Amy Pond Is Left For Dead By The Doctor (The Girl Who Waited)

Doctor Who Ursula Blake Love & Monsters
BBC Studios

In a scenario that we can all relate to a lot more than we could a year ago, Eleventh Doctor episode The Girl Who Waited finds the TARDIS trio of Amy, Rory and the Doctor landing on a planet that is under quarantine due to a viral outbreak.

And as if that wasn't a bad enough start to an adventure, things decline once again when Amy accidentally traps herself in a faster time stream, and when Rory and the Doctor eventually track her down, it's revealed that she's been stuck fending for herself for a whopping 36 years. 36 years of complete and utter loneliness, of feeling like she'd been abandoned by her husband and her (imaginary) best friend.

The Doctor and Rory didn't mean to do this to her, but it's heartbreaking when you look at it from Amy's point of view. And hell, her suffering wasn't yet over: the Doctor tells her that she can board the TARDIS and leave the planet for good, but at the very last second, he shuts the door and leaves her to be killed by the Handbots. Dick move.

The most tragic thing about this is that, in the end, Amy accepted her death without a struggle. The emotional trauma of being left behind for nearly four decades - plus the added weight of the Doctor's final betrayal - clearly made her long for the end.

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