10 Horrific Fates Suffered By Doctor Who Characters

3. Ursula Blake Becomes A Concrete Slab (Love & Monsters)

Doctor Who Ursula Blake Love & Monsters

Love & Monsters is hardly a fan-favourite, but it does have its strong points. It's one of the few episodes where we get to spend some quality time with super-mum Jackie Tyler, and Peter Kay - before becoming the Abzorbaloff - does provide a few chuckles.

But because the episode is so divisive and a lot of people tend to dismiss it outright, it's often overlooked that the character Ursula Blake suffers a rather horrible fate come the end of the story (and it also doesn't help that said fate is played for laughs, which diminishes the horror factor substantially).

After being sucked inside the Abzorbaloff's body - which would be bad enough by itself - Ursula ends up getting absorbed into a concrete slab after the Abzorbaloff is melted down into a gooey puddle of liquid. She then has to live the rest of her life with no arms, legs, or body: she's just a face. A face attached to a piece of stone. Yikes.

Oh, and it gets worse. Her boyfriend Elton's remark "we've even got a bit of a love life" indicates that Ursula performs oral sex acts on him... while she's stuck to a concrete slab... okay, we're thinking about this too much. Time to move on!

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