10 Horror TV Shows That Ended On A Cliffhanger

8. Wolf Lake

The Terror

Airing all the way back in 2001, Wolf Lake followed the story of a pack of Werewolves living in a rural Seattle suburb. Largely directionless, the plot follows detective John Kanin as he attempts to unravel the mystery of his fiancee’s disappearance in the titular town.

At the time the show was marketed as Twin Peaks but with werewolves and, as tantalising a concept as that sounds, the poor writing, uneven direction, and questionable acting all scuppered the show’s chances before it even got properly started. Its original nine-episode run on CBS was cut short at only five episodes, the remaining four airing much later on UPN.

It’s actually something of a shame as, despite its overall poor quality, Wolf Lake was way ahead of its time. The cheesy, supernatural young adult genre would carve up the market in giant properties like Twilight, True Blood and The Vampire Diaries only a few years later and Wolf Lake does feel like a natural extension of that niche.

Nevertheless, viewers were left unsatisfied as, at the plot’s culmination, sweet innocent character Sophia (here played by a pre-fame Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is revealed to have been turned into a werewolf herself. What this would have meant for the plot going forward is anyone’s guess but it’s disappointing that we’ll never know.

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Total goblin. Quit the food and beverage industry after ten years to try my hand at writing nonsense online. I have a huge passion for film, television, cats, art, tattoos, food, anarchy and classic literature (mainly Dune). Currently based at my mum's house, I can be best reached on Instagram (@charlie_marx) where I attempt to soothe my mental health with memes.