10 Huge Doctor Who Moments Everyone Was Waiting For (That Never Happened)

8. Sean Pertwee As The Third Doctor

Doctor Who The Giggle David Tennant Matt Smith Ncuti Gatwa

A cheeky IMDB user struck again in the lead-up to The Legend of Ruby Sunday, by sneaking in a credit for Sean Pertwee as the Third Doctor. This took on a completely new life when certain cinemas imported that cast list into their booking details for the Season 1 finale screenings.

While it seemed like an obvious joke, The Legend of Ruby Sunday's plot synopsis teasing a connection to the Jon Pertwee era gave even the most sceptical fan pause.

However, like that Pertwee-era tease – which turned out to be the Time Window, technology that the Third Doctor had told UNIT not to meddle with  the Sean Pertwee casting rumour was a big old nothing burger.

Pertwee's quote-unquote "involvement" in The Legend of Ruby Sunday continues a long-held desire for the actor to step into his father's shoes, something that appears to have been tantalisingly close to happening in Doctor Who Series 9.

In fact, Sean Pertwee told the Radio Times that he was offered a role in Series 9, but his commitments to Gotham forced him to turn it down. It's long been suspected that he would've been the Third Doctor figure in the opening sequence from The Witch's Familiar, but we might never know for sure.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.