3. The Doctor Survived His Death By Hiding In A Giant Robot - Doctor Who
The sixth series of Doctor Who began in dramatic fashion: the Doctor was gunned down on a beach by an anonymous astronaut who appeared from Lake Silencio. Amy, Rory and River mourn him, before a younger version of Eleven he's a time traveller, remember turns up for an adventure. Over the course of the series, the Doctor was to undergo a journey, leading up to his untimely demise. But how would he avoid it? When the final episode came, the Doctor accepted his fate. He'd had 13 episodes to find out that it was River who would kill him, to get used to the idea, and after a phone call revealing that his old friend, the Brigadier, was dead, he realised that time catches up with us all. When he stood on the beach, he let River shoot him. Turns out though, he was hiding in a giant robot replica of himself. He'd whispered to River to look in his eye when they were getting married, not his name. Not only does this make a mockery of sacred Gallifreyan wedding vows (though we can forgive that surely), it doesn't really add up. The Doctor was prepared to die, so what changed his mind? Didn't Amy state when it happened, that it must be a replica? If he's not really dead, why is he letting his wife go to prison for his murder? Usually Steven Moffat finales tie everything up, but just ten minutes more explanation on this one would've been great.