10 Ideas For Agents Of Shield Spin-Off

7. Ms. Marvel

Agents Of Shield
Marvel Comics

How do you make an Inhumans series without calling it Inhumans? Easy—focus on one of the Inhumans trying to get by in the human world. And Marvel has already provided the perfect template for this with the introduction of Kamala Khan, the new Ms. Marvel.

A Pakistani-American teenager living in New Jersey, Kamala is an avid superhero fan, particularly enamored of Carol Danvers, the former Ms. Marvel and current Captain Marvel. Kamala gains shapeshifting abilities after being exposed to the Terrigen Mists released throughout the world during Marvel’s Inhumanity event. At first, she literally transforms into Carol Danvers’ Ms. Marvel persona but later adopts a look of her own and continues using the name Ms. Marvel.

Ms. Marvel has been a very popular comic, and a show focused on the character could help bring some much-needed diversity to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Kamala is very much like a modern-day Peter Parker, struggling to balance family responsibilities, school, a social life, and superheroics.

And given the Inhuman-centric nature of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s second season, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility for an Inhumanity-like event to occur in the season finale, one that sees the release of the Terrigen Mists in several parts of the world. Or maybe just in New Jersey where Kamala gets affected.


Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com