10 Ideas For Agents Of Shield Spin-Off

6. New Warriors


The New Warriors are a collection of young superheroes brought together by Night Thrasher. Over the team’s history, they were also involved in the incident at Stamford that led to the Civil War event. Most incarnations feature a group of young heroes with origins that touch on the different areas of the Marvel Universe.

Coulson’s attempts to locate heroes could be handled in this fashion, gathering together a team and training them so that one day, they could take over from the Avengers. Or maybe combine that with the first team’s origin and have Night Thrasher “steal” the group out from under Coulson.

There are a number of characters whose powers could easily be conveyed in a weekly TV show. Night Thrasher, for one, is just a vigilante in a suit of armour. Some other contenders include Justice, who has telekinetic abilities; Namorita, an Atlantean; Rage, a teenage boy trapped in a superhumanly strong adult body; Turbo, who possesses a suit of armour; Speedball, who can generate kinetic forcefields; Ultra-Girl, a mutant Kree; and Nova, a member of the Nova Corps from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Age of Ultron is likely to have massive ramifications for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and some of the clean-up could be handled by the New Warriors, rising to help protect the world in the fallout from the film.


Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com