10 Idiotic Decisions By TV Characters Who Should Have Known Better

3. Dexter Stalls With Trinity - Dexter

Game Of Thrones Red Wedding

Dexter Morgan kills murderers. It is what he does and is quite literally the entire point of his show. So, when Dexter discovers the identity of notorious serial killer "The Trinity Killer" as Arthur Mitchell, one would expect that Dexter would take the first opportunity possible to stop the spree of the man that killed at least 250 people.

Nope. Dexter takes his sweet time.

Every time Dexter comes up with a new justification for keeping Mitchell alive, his crusade gets more frustrating. Yes, Dexter was learning how to be an effective family man without drawing too much attention to himself, but surely that wouldn't take THIS long?

Instead, Dexter stalls as long as humanly possible, waiting for the last possible moment before revealing his true intentions. In fact, it gets even worse: Dexter actually prevented Mitchell from committing suicide. Think about it Dexter! Trinity dies, the murders stop, and Dexter doesn't even have to bother with a cover-up.

Instead, Trinity is able to discover who Dexter really is and where he lives. Although Dexter eventually catches up to Mitchell and kills him, it happens too late to avoid the horrible consequences awaiting him at home:

After facing multiple serial killers that had threatened and endangered his family in the past, Dexter decides that Trinity, easily the most dangerous one yet, could wait a little longer.

And in the end, it cost Dexter his wife.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.