10 Idiotic Decisions By TV Characters Who Should Have Known Better

2. Beth's Botched Stabbing - The Walking Dead

Game Of Thrones Red Wedding

The decision so stupid even Emily Kinney despised it.

Beth's death scene in the mid-season finale of Season 5 is too idiotic to explain, so here's a video:

Beth Greene was always an unlikely survivor. As she told Daryl, she's not a fighter like Maggie, Carol, Michonne, or Sasha. But you'd think that years of living in the zombie apocalypse would have given her more common sense.

Like, for example, NOT stabbing an armed sociopath IN THE SHOULDER. Dawn has already shown herself to be a dangerous woman. That, combined with police officer training, means that she definitely has lightning fast reflexes and the will to shoot someone in the head.

Seriously, what was even her plan here? Was Beth aiming for Dawn's neck, but missed? Why was it even necessary? Noah didn't look happy about being forced to stay, but he was clearly open to the idea if it meant everyone else got to escape alive.

Emily Kinney stated in an interview that she believes Beth's choice was due to overconfidence. Which doesn't really make sense, as Beth has always been someone that is very clear on her own limitations. Kinney also said that show-runner Scott Gimple never gave her a reason for Beth's death, only that he wanted it to end in this specific, stupid fashion.

Perhaps Kinney is trying to come up with ANY explanation for Beth's choice. Because the rest of us still haven't figured out a good one.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.