10 Important Doctor Who Questions NOBODY Can Answer

8. What Happened To The Thals?

Doctor Who Weeping Angel Blink
BBC Studios

Remember the Thals? Doctor Who doesn't! The Thals fought a Thousand Year War with the Kaleds, which ended with the creation of the Daleks.

We met the Thals in Terry Nation's first ever Dalek serial back in 1963, in which the pacifist Skaro natives were forced to take arms against their old enemies. Years later, the Third Doctor and Jo met a group of Thals who were planning to destroy a Dalek base on Spiridon. After their successful mission, the Thals set off for Skaro, and... were never heard from again.

The 1988 reference guide The Official Doctor Who & The Daleks Book claims that the Thals abandoned Skaro at an undisclosed point after the events of Planet of the Daleks. While this has never been confirmed onscreen, Terry Nation's involvement in writing this book does lend a degree of canonicity.

However, later spinoff media suggests that there were Thals living on Skaro at the time of The Magician's Apprentice! Even if Davros and the Daleks seemed blissfully unaware of this fact.

So where are the Thals? Off-world colony? Hiding in a secret location on Skaro? Wiped out in the Time War? Does anyone have a concrete answer?


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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.