10 Important Doctor Who Questions NOBODY Can Answer

6. What Side Did Other Villains Take In The Time War?

Doctor Who Weeping Angel Blink
Big Finish

The Time Lords and the Daleks were the primary antagonists of the Time War, but were any of Doctor Who's villainous aliens also involved? And if so, on whose side did they fight?

We do know that the Gelth and the Nestene Consciousness were both affected by the devastation of the Time War, losing their homes and food sources. We also know which aliens definitely didn't take part – in The Sontaran Stratagem, General Staal revealed that the potato-headed warrior race was barred from becoming involved.

But that's... kind of it.

On the few occasions we've seen the Time War onscreen, it's Dalek saucers over Gallifrey, and soldiers fighting Daleks in the ruins of Arcadia. But warring parties have their allies, right? After all, it wasn't solely the British or Americans who beat Hitler in the Second World War. So which alien races lent their expertise and technology to the Time Lord or Dalek cause?

Were Gallifreyan envoys sent to negotiate alliances or non-aggression pacts with Mechanoids and Cybermen? Did the Daleks extort or enslave benevolent but powerful races like the Sensorites? You might think that most species would side with the Time Lords, but The Night of the Doctor hinted that the universe viewed them as just as evil as the Daleks.

A Time War spinoff could answer these questions, but there's no sign of that happening.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.