10 Important Doctor Who Questions NOBODY Can Answer

5. How Exactly Did The TARDIS Explode?

Doctor Who Weeping Angel Blink
BBC Studios

The cliffhanger to The Pandorica Opens was utterly thrilling, but one moment gets by on vibes alone.

Going into the Series 5 finale, we knew that the TARDIS explodes and creates the cracks in time that have been pursuing the Doctor and Amy. River Song tries to land the TARDIS safely and abandon it because, without anyone inside, the ship's engines will power down. No running engines, no explosion. But of course, River ends up trapped inside and the TARDIS explodes, the stars go out, and cue titles.

When future episodes confirmed that it was the Kovarian Chapter who blew up the TARDIS, this particular loose end was seemingly tied up. It's just that nobody, not even Steven Moffat, thought to reveal how it was done.

So how exactly did Madame Kovarian and the Silence blow up the TARDIS? We see in Amy's Choice that this has to be done manually. So when did they come aboard and lay their trap for the Doctor? Maybe there was a Silent standing behind River the whole time, or perhaps there was some latent instruction planted in her mind when she went to assassin training as a kid.

It's as good an explanation as any!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.