10 Incredible Similarities Between Doctor Who And Sherlock

2. The Companion

It's an obvious comparison to draw between Sherlock and Doctor Who. Both are frighteningly powerful beings who travel with a more human sidekick. But the comparisons really don't end there. John Watson has post-traumatic stress syndrome at the start of Sherlock, and his therapist labels him as having "trust issues". Amy Pond is abandoned by a mysterious hero, which also leads to trust issues, and Moffat hints at psychiatric help during 'The Eleventh Hour'. Both Amy and John choose to travel with their heroes because they crave adventure away from a boring life, and as Moffat's progressed with both shows, he's chosen to depict John and current companion Clara as having a lot of admiration for their heroes that's often unspoken until the situation calls for it. You get the feeling a lot of the time that neither Clara nor John want the Doctor and Sherlock to know how much they care about them. And as both shows have progressed, the living situations have changed. John used to live at 221B, as Amy did the TARDIS (a bedroom's mentioned several times). And though Clara does have a room too, she doesn't travel with the Doctor full-time, just as John's moved out from Sherlock's home.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.