10 Incredible Similarities Between Doctor Who And Sherlock

1. ...And the Lonely Angel

What, have I not mentioned the similarities between Sherlock Holmes and the Doctor? Let's reel this off, Sherlock-style, deducing the similarities between these two fictional Goliaths... Both Eleven and Sherlock hate to be bored, and both are hugely detached from humanity. The Doctor has always loved humanity and has always been full of wonder for them, but Sherlock isn't romantic enough to see that; well, he's starting to warm in Series 3. Both the Doctor and Sherlock are often rude, often witty, and tread a line between self-awareness and naivety. Neither realise their image, but both know how intelligent they are. They're also both very quick talkers; they think out loud and reel off their ideas in a stream of consciousness, and they both curse themselves for not working out a mystery quickly enough. They both take pleasure from being the quickest person in the room, but they both believe that their friends are the best of them. And they both lie €“ Sherlock lies to John about faking his death, as the Doctor lies to Amy and Rory about it. Both lie because they feel they can protect their friends, and then both turn up, unexpected, assuming that everything can go back to normal now they're here again. The big similarity though, is that they both understand how humans work, but they don't have the social skills to fit in with them. Or, as Steven Moffat says, "The Doctor is an angel who aspires to be human... Sherlock Holmes is a human who aspires to be a god." I couldn't have put it better myself.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.