10 Incredibly Tough Decisions Anime Characters Have Had To Make

6. Wonder Egg Priority - Neiru Aonuma Disconnecting Kotobuki's Life Support

Compared to other tough decisions in this list, this is possibly the most grounded and relatable to audiences. What's more heartbreaking than losing a friend? Assisting their death?

Kotobuki disdains the idea of her body becoming nothing more than the research project of unethical scientists; rather than remaining in a death-like state, she would prefer to die. Having been created as a science experiment, she has lived as a test subject, but she doesn't want to remain as one even in a coma. Death is Kotobuki's final freedom.

She truly takes her life into her own hands when making such a hard request of her friend. When faced with an unimaginably painful situation, Neiru falters at first. She is unwilling to be responsible for taking her own friend's life, even if it is her last wish. Only with the help of her other friend, Ai Ooto, is she able to respect Kotobuki's most sincere request.

Whether it was morally right or not, it is what Kotobuki wished; as hard of a decision as it was, that is all that mattered. She wanted to die at the hands of her friend, free from experimentation at last.

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Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.