10 Insane Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Theories

9. Ten AND Fourteen Will Team Up

Doctor Who 60th anniversary theories
BBC Studios

When David Tennant was announced to be returning to Doctor Who (again), it was unveiled in a way that made it seem like the Tenth Doctor was also returning.

It soon became clear that this wasn’t the case, and Tennant was officially confirmed as the Fourteenth Doctor shortly after The Power of the Doctor aired.

However, at no point has it been said that the Tenth Doctor won’t also appear.

With Tennant back in the Whoniverse again, it would almost be weird if the production team didn’t take the opportunity to get some new Tenth Doctor material recorded. After all, how many other actors can legitimately portray two separate incarnations?

Perhaps the Tenth Doctor could appear in a B-plot, or – the much more exciting option – maybe he could appear alongside his successor, with the Tenth and Fourteenth Doctors sharing the screen together.

It wouldn’t be totally original to have two David Tennants onscreen at once (Journey’s End did that in 2008), but it would feel different this time, with the Tenth Doctor interacting with an older, more experienced version of himself.

Also, you can never have too much David Tennant!

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!