10 Insane Doctor Who Plot Twists That Nearly Happened

5. Boe No He Didn’t!

Doctor Who Rose Tyler the Beast
BBC Studios

The Face of Boe was a big wrinkly face in a jar, and, for some reason, everybody loved him.

He appeared just three times in NuWho (technically way more if you consider the fact that he is Captain Jack), but played a massive part in revealing the existence of the Master to the Tenth Doctor.

In his second outing (Series 2's New Earth), The Face of Boe is one of the patients under threat from the diseased hordes, and this very nearly led to him succumbing to a grisly fate. In a deadly twist, he was originally supposed to die in this episode, along with every other patient in the hospital.

Considering how integral Boe would become to the arc of Series 3 (with the whole "You Are Not Alone" thing), his premature death might have changed the show significantly.

However, he was spared by an unlikely saviour in the form of Steven Moffat, who joked that Russell T Davies always killed off interesting characters, prompting RTD to reverse course.

Honestly, these writers and their egos.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.