10 Insane Doctor Who Plot Twists That Nearly Happened

4. Time Lords And Daleks

Doctor Who Rose Tyler the Beast
BBC Studios

The End of Time Parts One and Two were stories of firsts and lasts.

They were the last regular episodes to feature the Tenth Doctor, and the first to feature the Eleventh. They were also the first time in NuWho that we got a proper look at the Doctor's race, as the Time Lords played a big part in the narrative.

Led by Timothy Dalton's Lord President and his Infinity Gauntlet, the Time Lords attempted to use the Master as a way of pulling themselves (and Gallifrey) out of the Time War.

Good news for them, bad news for literally everybody else.

To show just how far down the path of madness the Time Lords had gone, RTD originally plotted a shock reveal for this story, and was going to show that the Time Lords had entered into an alliance with their sworn enemies, the Daleks.

The End of Time already has a lot going on, so just imagine if a Time Lord/Dalek alliance had been involved too.

This idea soon fell through, since Steven Moffat was planning on using the Daleks in his first series as showrunner. Not wanting to immediately undermine his successor, RTD removed the famous villains from his script.

What a nice guy.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.