10 INSANE Kills From Horror TV Shows

6. Gabriel - American Horror Story: Hotel

True Blood Lorena Death

American Horror Story is another show where it's incredibly difficult to pick just one insanely effed-up death, though it's tough to top the stomach-churning end that befalls Gabriel (Max Greenfield), a junkie who checks into the Hotel Cortez in order to shoot up.

He ends up a victim of the hotel's guest-taunting ghost Hypodermic Sally (Sarah Paulson), who brings The Addiction Demon into his room to rape him with a drill-shaped... appendage, promising to stop the assault if he simply tells Sally that he loves her.

That's not all, though: Sally then sews Gabriel into a mattress, causing him to accidentally kill Claudia Bankson (Naomi Campbell) while escaping, having mistaken her for Sally.

Gabriel is then seen dying in a hospital bed from an overdose-related convulsion, but let's be honest, having your insides penetrated by a drill isn't going to do your health any favours either.

Unsurprisingly the entire sequence was highly controversial for its graphic depiction of sexual assault, and for better or worse it's certainly something no fan of the show will ever be able to forget.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.