10 Insane Things That Must Happen In Game Of Thrones

6. Sansa Stark Will Take Revenge... And The North

Sansa Stark has learned more since the first episode than pretty much anyone in the Seven Kingdoms. She started off dreaming about the fine silks, rich pageantry and handsome Lords, but wound up being shown her own father's head impaled on a spike, was betrothed and kicked to the curb by Joffrey, almost pushed through the Eyrie's Moon Door by her Aunt, courted by Littlefinger, and is now arranged to wed the maniac Ramsay Bolton. Her theme is that she has grown along every step, with her game-changing moment coming in the Eyrie when she finally begins to play the game and lies to cover for Littlefinger. Sansa also demonstrated immense restraint and class when she courteously introduced herself to Roose Bolton, the man who plunged the dagger into Robb Stark's heart. She's learning tricks that others can't see, so could she be about to take down the Boltons from the inside?

What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.