10 Insane Ways TV Shows Trolled Fans

7. Making Fans Watch A Melting Block Of Ice To Find Out Season 7's Release Date - Game Of Thrones

Andor Prison

Game of Thrones has admittedly trolled fans on numerous occasions, whether pretending that Ned Stark (Sean Bean) was the protagonist of the series in its initial marketing run, trying to convince everyone Jon Snow (Kit Harington) was really dead at the end of season five, or just the utter head-scratching mess that was the final season.

But perhaps the most deranged troll of the lot? How HBO decided to reveal the premiere date for the show's seventh season.

Rather than drop a trailer as per usual, HBO decided to stage a strangely elaborate streaming reveal event, where the premiere date was encased in a giant block of ice, and viewers on Facebook had to type "FIRE" in order for flamethrowers to spit fire at the sculpture.

However, the hunk of ice ended up taking considerably longer to melt than anyone, including HBO, seemingly thought, while the stream was also interrupted numerous times by technical issues.

In the end the ice took 69 minutes to melt, revealing a July 16 premiere date, by which point the stream had reached an impressive peak of 162,000 viewers, most of whom were inexplicably convinced to stare at a slow-melting block of ice for a decent chunk of their day. Impressive.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.