10 Insane Ways TV Shows Trolled Fans

5. Glenn's Fake-Out Death (And Then Killing Him Next Season) - The Walking Dead

Andor Prison

The Walking Dead well and truly tested fans' commitment to the series with its manipulative not-death of fan favourite character Glenn (Steven Yeun) in the third episode of its sixth season.

At the end of the episode, Glenn and Nicholas (Michael Traynor) find themselves overrun by walkers, causing Nicholas to shoot himself in the head, before Glenn falls into the horde of walkers and is seemingly ripped apart by them.

Fans, naturally, were beside themselves, and though there was some speculation about whether or not Glenn was really dead, the show sure as hell relished milking fans' anxiety for every possible drop.

For starters, Glenn was absent from the next three episodes, and to really sell the possibility of his demise, Steven Yeun's name was even removed from the opening titles for those episodes.

However, the following episode finally brought fans sweet relief by revealing that the torn guts actually belonged to Nicholas, and Glenn managed to slither his way beneath the dumpster to avoid becoming walker chow.

That's all well and good, but after that heart attack-inducing fright for fans, Glenn was actually killed for real a few episodes later at the start of season seven, when he was brutally beaten to a pulp with a barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat by Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).

The Walking Dead's writers have no damn respect for your feelings, basically.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.