10 Laziest Star Trek Alien Designs

6. Deltan

Shaving Star Trek Motion Picture Persis Khambatta Ilia

Deltans first appeared in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, with Persis Khambatta's Ilia acting as the template. In a very true-to-the-time line of dialogue, Ilia informs Admiral Kirk that her vow of celibacy is on record as part of her introduction to the film.

Oh Gene Roddenberry.

Ilia's early death in the film sort of slams the breaks on any real exploration of the Deltans as a people. The only things we really discover about these folically challenged people is that they are very soothing, very open with their sexuality, and serve as a nice template for a certain Betazoid counsellor in the years that followed.

The Deltans would return, bar background appearances, in Star Trek: Picard's second season opener. Here, Soji is travelling the galaxy to spread awareness of Synth Rights', with Juratti accompanying her to the Deltan delegation.

Just shave their heads. Deltans.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick