10 Laziest Star Trek Alien Designs

5. El-Aurian

Shaving Star Trek Motion Picture Persis Khambatta Ilia

When one casts Whoopi Goldberg in a guest spot, one doesn't hide her face. In fact, Whoopi herself went a little further and shaved off her eyebrows for the part, giving her a slightly more alien look. This would be the extent of design work that the El-Aurian people faced.

With the exception of the non-speaking extras in Star Trek: Generations, there have been only three El-Aurians in the franchise. First, of course, is Guinan, the bartender aboard the Enterprise-D, and bestower of wisdom. Next, there was Marcus Mazur, played by Chris Sarandon, in Deep Space Nine. He was initially conceived as a recurring foil for Quark, but this never actually panned out.

Last, to date, is Tolian Soran, played by a scenery chewing Malcolm McDowell. Physically, each of these characters seem to have very little in common - El-Aurians are known for their ability to listen, as well as noticing when things go wrong with reality. In practice, El-Aurians are closer to races like Lanthanites than many others, bar a seeming fondness for scarves, hats, and star-destroying probes.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick