10 Laziest Star Trek Alien Designs

3. Lanthanite

Shaving Star Trek Motion Picture Persis Khambatta Ilia
CBS Media Ventures

Lanthanites makes their first appearance, via Pelia, in Strange New Worlds. They are effectively immortal, unless an external force kills them, meaning that they can blend in with the humans on Earth as well as, well, half of the other aliens on this list.

Conveniently, Lanthanites look exactly like humans, on the outside at least. So, this allows them to serve as a metaphor for the humans on Earth who are living secret lives. So this 'laziest' alien design is actually quite deliberate. Pelia even states outright that Amanda Grayson was the first human that she came out to, as a non-human, to Spock.

Coming out is a theme running through rather a lot of Star Trek of recent times, whether it is as non-binary, via Adira in Discovery, or genetically engineered via Dal or Una. Having a character like Pelia, one who has lived through all of human history, yet is still perfectly well-adjusted and a source of comedy for the series, goes another step toward normalising the 'other' in this long-running franchise.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick