10 Laziest Star Trek Alien Designs

2. Augris' Species/Alasaurians

Shaving Star Trek Motion Picture Persis Khambatta Ilia

The Alasaurians, so-named by StarTrek.com, appeared in the Voyager episode Resistance. The story, based on Don Quixote, revolves around an old man - played by guest star and Oscar-winner Joel Grey - believing Janeway to be his daughter. Together, they attempt to infiltrate the prison of the feared Mokra Order.

Though the term Alasaurian is never said on-screen, the Mokra Order are a fierce, fascistic organisation. Their bone-struts that sit between their eyebrows, which of course is such a common sight among the aliens of Star Trek, suggest a certain hard-headedness that may come with their totalitarian actions.

Though perhaps a little unimaginative, the Alasaurian appearance is significant for its lack of diversity. This, in fact, highlights the disparity on the planet - there but for the grace of a pair of black leather boots go I. Grey is fantastic as the deluded Caylem, while Alan Scarfe is imposing as the dreaded Augris. Both actors bring a power to the story that more than makes up for the simplified makeup.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick