10 Least Interesting Romances In Otherwise Great TV Shows

4. Larry And Polly (Orange Is The New Black)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jake and Amy

When it was announced that Larry and Polly wouldn’t be in Season 3 of Orange Is The New Black, fans everywhere let out a sigh of a relief. That’s how boring this plot line was.

At the beginning of Season 1, Piper has to leave her fiancé Larry when she’s sent to prison. The series spends a decent amount of time with him throughout the first season, and it makes some degree of sense to follow up on how he’s reacting to Piper being gone for so long.

But the more time Piper spends in jail, the less relevant Larry is, especially as Piper herself becomes less of the main character as the series progresses. But they already hired Jason Biggs, so in Season 2, the writers figured they had to give him something to do. His storyline involves him breaking up with Piper and dating her best friend Polly. Ugh.

It's really poorly set up and the two are terrible together, but even if they weren't, this plot just feels like such a profound waste of time. The audience at this point is completely invested in Litchfield and all of the characters in it, so cutting away to this awful, boring romance between two horrible people just makes any sane person want to skip right ahead to the next scene.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.