10 Lesser-Known Characters It Would Be Great To See In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

1. Wendell Vaughan (Quasar)

Quasar When I talk about Quasar as being "lesser known", that's obviously in comparison to the likes of Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America, as he is a very popular character in the comics. Quasar is several tiers above everyone else on this list on the power scale, but Wendell Vaughn started out as a graduate of the S.H.I.E.L.D Academy. Although he was considered a highly capable agent by his superiors, they nonetheless deemed him unfit for field work, sensing that Vaughn lacked the necessary "killer instinct" or the will to win at all costs. The first assignment Vaughn ever finds himself on is for a research facility, whereby a team of scientists were performing experiments on the Quantum Bands taken from the deceased anti-hero the Crusader. A test pilot who was selected to wear the bands proves very successful in their usage, but he dies when the energy output reaches a critical mass beyond his control. Vaughn puts the bands on when the criminal scientists AIM (who are already in the MCU) launch a full-scale assault on the facility. He repels the attack with the bands' power and when the energy build-up begins to overwhelm him as it did with the test pilot, he decides to simply relax and "go with the flow". To his surprise, the build-up abruptly dissipates and Vaughn realises that the key to wielding the bands is a flexible will, rather than an indomitable, uncompromising one - essentially, his lack of a killer instinct makes all the difference. He becomes a hero and, after trying out a few names (Marvel Boy, Marvel Man etc), he settles on Quasar. It would be a great way to potentially set up a Quasar movie by introducing him as the failed S.H.I.E.L.D agent Wendell Vaughn on television and would make for a very interesting storyline. So that's it; Ten lesser known characters that it would be great to see in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Do you agree? Which others would you like to see? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.