10 Little Known Superhero Teams That Could Make DC Millions

3. The Blackhawks

Blackhawks DC Comics
DC Comics

The Blackhawks are one of many wartime outfits DC have spotlighted over the years, and while they're no Sgt. Rock and Easy Company, it's obvious they have the greater potential.

The team debuted all the way back in 1941 by Chuck Cuidera, Will Eisner and Bob Powell, and were conceived of as a multinational fighting squadron that would take on the Axis Powers during World War II. In the years since, the Blackhawks have remained as an elite, supervillain-fighting squadron with several important members, with Zinda Blake's Lady Blackhawk having even joined the Birds of Prey in 2004.

There's a reason why the group have endured for as long as they have, and the good news is that Steven Spielberg himself is poised to make a film centred around the squadron set during World War II.

It's still in the earliest stages of production, but with Spielberg returning to a time period he's already marshalled expertly on camera twice before, here's hoping lightning can strike three times, and that the world will fall in love with the Blackhawks all over again.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.