10 Incredible Ways The Simpsons & Family Guy Could Cross Over

7. Brian Is Hired As A Writer On The Simpsons And Writes Them Into His Reality

Brian is delighted when a chance meeting with Matt Groening in a late-night bar earns him his dream job as a staff writer on The Simpsons. It isn't long before things turn sour for him though, as he struggles to fit in with the the fast-paced, bullpen nature of the writing team, and his witticisms get lost in a sea of rapid-fire ideas and thought. Frustrated by writer's block, and unable to come up with any ideas for new episodes, Brian resorts to writing Simpsons characters into his everyday life. He finds that using Simpsons characters to address the issues he is having with his own family and friends works to great effect, externalising his problems by turning them into cartoons. Brian's ideas are well received by the writing team, and the new characters of the Griffins become popular Simpsons regulars. Despite the recognition he gets from people on the street Peter is initially oblivious that Brian has turned him into a Simpsons character. Eventually though the penny drops, and an outraged Peter demands Brian write him how he would like to be portrayed, or he will sue for the use of his likeness. Brian relents and allows Peter to dictate his own Simpsons story arc, a decision which proves disastrous, ending not only Brian's career, but the entire 25 year unbroken run of The Simpsons when the show is swiftly and permanently cancelled.

As well as the odd article, I apply my "special mind" to scriptwriting for Comics, Films and Games... Oh and I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flow'rs, I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars. Follow me on Twitter @DrRobertOtnik