10 Incredible Ways The Simpsons & Family Guy Could Cross Over

6. Stewie Uses Black Magic To Conjure The Simpsons into Existence

Stewie becomes obsessed with the writings of Aleister Crowley, and restyles himself as a Black Magic sorcerer. Donning his magician€™s turban, and utilising the dark arts, he performs an incantation designed to conjure up a new family to replace the current one he finds so sickening. Ever the cynic, Brian taunts Stewie's declarations of mysticism, pouring scorn on his spell-casting as superstitious mumbo jumbo. However he is cut-off mid-rant as the heavens open, earth shudders and a weird, unearthly, lightning bolt strikes the room. When the dust settles, Brian and Stewie are astonished to see a family of five yellow beings standing before them. Stewie's initial delight at his newly acquired power soon subsides, as he discovers that this family is incredibly similar to his own. Further to his annoyance, his old and new families get on like a house on fire. Stewie can only gaze on in horror, as strong bonds are forged between the family he loathes and the yellow creatures he conjured up from the ether. Lisa and Brian engage in charged intellectual debates, Homer and Peter indulge each other in mutual beer, doughnut and TV appreciation, Marge and Lois hang out as the best friend neither ever had, Meg and Bart have a Mini-Mrs Robinson romance, and strangest of all, Maggie and Chris form an inseparable bear and cub-style bond. Messing with dark forces has backfired on Stewie, doubling the problems he already had. In an unexpected move he turns to religion and styles himself upon Father Merryn from The Exorcist. Invoking the power of God, he is determined to send the yellow demons back to the hell from whence they came.

As well as the odd article, I apply my "special mind" to scriptwriting for Comics, Films and Games... Oh and I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flow'rs, I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars. Follow me on Twitter @DrRobertOtnik