10 Mind-Blowing Doctor Who Theories

4. The Doctor Shares Complicated Ideas With Us

336950963_640 There's a moment in 'School Reunion' where a bespectacled David Tennant says, "So... physics. Physics, physics, physics... I hope you're getting this down." And it's funny, because there was nothing to write down. But what if there was? What if the Doctor was sharing deep secrets about the 11th dimension and the time vortex, in his natural Gallifreyan tongue, but it only translated into "physics" when heard in our puny Earth language? It's the same principle with "Timey-wimey" and "Spacey-wacey", catchphrases that have embedded themselves at the heart of Who: we all know the TARDIS translates, but if there's no word in the English language for it, perhaps it defaults to gibberish. Whilst this is probably untrue, it's a wonderful thought. Nearly as wonderful as watching 'Blink' in French, and hearing a dubbed actor trying to pronounce "Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey". Yes, the TARDIS even translates French.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.