10 Mind-Blowing Doctor Who Theories

3. Rory Died The Year He Became A Nurse

rory There are no mistakes in Doctor Who. Everything's deliberate. Right? If you believe that, you might just want to question what's gone on with Rory's timeline. Not happy with killing him an amazing nine times (Rory really is a cat), it appears that the Moff planned his life more scrupulously than Amy's, even. The first time the Doctor sees Rory, he takes a note of his badge, which claims he's been a nurse since 1990. Okay, we're never told exactly when 'The Eleventh Hour' is set, but assuming he's 30 by 'The Angels Take Manhattan' in 1938, he lives for fifty-two years in New York with Amy. This would make him 82 when he dies in 1990; is younger Rory the one that treats older Rory when he dies? There are discontinuities that throw the theory: Rory is clearly not old enough to have become a nurse in the 90s, if you judge the phones and laptops in 'The Eleventh Hour'. We don't know he was exactly 30 in 'The Angels Take Manhattan' either; all we have is talk of Amy getting wrinkles. But if it is true, it's spectacular foreshadowing from Moffat and team, and maybe Moffat's the alien, not Matt Smith...
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.