10 Mistakes Game Of Thrones Can’t Afford To Repeat In Season 6

10. Show AND Tell

The last episode of season five is a long way from the last episode of season four. This is the distance between the impressive sweeping aerial shots of Stannis€™ army surrounding the wildlings and the ominous single aerial of this same army, dwindled to nothing and surrounded by the forces of one Northern stronghold.

Size does matter in a feudal society though, and what few glimpses we got of the flaming stag€™s forces were not enough to make sense of that last image, let alone give it potency among those of us who supported Stannis€™ claim.

Every time we see a legion of soldiers or horde of Dothraki it makes a fair dent in the show's budget. The studio would be forgiven for attempting to use these things sparingly, but it is simply too late in the game to cut this particular source of overhead.

The diminishing of Stannis€™ army was an important plot point and while ruling out grandiose shots for the sake of grandiose shots is fine, we as an audience are going to have to remember a lot of opposing forces. Their comparative sizes are increasingly important with the approach of the massive White Walker force headed south.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.