10 Modern Doctor Who Stories That Waste Great Ideas

7. Love and Monsters

Doctor Who The Woman Who Fell To Earth
BBC Studios

One of the greatest Doctor Who stories to air on TV has to be Blink, the episode that both introduced the Weeping Angels and made it difficult to trust statues. Often ignored about that episode however is the fact that The Doctor doesn't actually play a huge role in the story, actually being relegated to a side character. This was a smart move by the writers, as it kept things fresh, made the monster even scarier, and made the world of Doctor Who feel real.

Love and Monsters could've done the same thing. A man who joins a Doctor hunting group having to face a monster that can literally absorb you into his skin is a fantastic pitch for an episode. Instead the episode leaned a little too heavily into the lighter side of things, making the Abzorbaloff a bit of a laughing stock. It wasn't helped by the fact that The Doctor's actual inclusion in the story just serves as a way to tie things up nicely.

Maybe the Abzorbaloff can be bought back one day, and this interesting idea could be given another shot.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.