10 More Animes You Must Watch Before You Die

8. Daily Lives Of High School Boys

We all love to see time-travelling heroes and sword wielding assassins do their stuff, but sometimes it's nice to take a little break from the shonen genre. After all, it can get a little intense with all that blood and guts. So what do we suggest when violence isn't the option?

There are plenty of funny comedies to pick from in anime, but Daily Lives Of High School Boys is a great one if you're looking for something silly to watch.

It feels like someone told the manga's creator, Yasunobu Yamauchi. The basic story line of The Inbetweeners and told him to put his own little spin on things. We're certainly not complaining because he's done an incredible job with the show

It's stacked from top-to-bottom with hilarious moments that will have you crying with laughter during every episode. It's difficult to not fall in love with the show's main characters, Tadakuni, Yoshitake and Hidenori, and the rest of the gang from Sanada North High School, as they're all incredible likeable in their own unique way.

With only twelve episodes and eight specials, it's a little bit shorter than most, but if you're looking for sure-fire jokes then this will definitely do the job.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.