10 More Crazy Star Trek Fan Theories

1. Boldly "Going"

star trek where does the poop go

We don't know much at all about how people in the Star Trek universe deal with bodily waste after the 22nd century. The biggest hints we've gotten were when a chunk of the Enterprise-D was cut out in the episode Q Who, revealing what looked like a toilet on one of the decks, and when Kirk, Spock, and McCoy were imprisoned in the ship's brig by Sybok, where we saw an unfoldable toilet and a sink, though we never learned how either of these actually functioned.

All of this confusion has led to a lot of ridiculous speculation from fans. We know that people in the Star Trek future still have the same bodily functions as we do, but you would think some advancements would've been made.

The prevailing theory is that Starfleet toilets are a kind of miniature transporter that beams the waste directly out of people's bodies. We already know from Admiral Vance in the Discovery episode There Is A Tideā€¦ that Starfleet ships recycle the atoms from their bodily waste and convert it into food using their replicators, so they wouldn't be just beaming their poop into space, but instead storing the matter that makes up the poop to use for replicators later. We've seen references to waste extraction in Lower Deck, Deep Space Nine, and other shows, which is most likely where they store their "Captain's logs" (or at least the atoms they were made of).

There's not much evidence for this theory, but it could be true, and it's just so ridiculous that we had to include it. There's just something so funny about Number One beaming up her number twos.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.