10 More Frustrating Star Trek Moments

1. Ceti Alpha What-Now?

Star Trek Into Darkness

There were a lot of problems with the beginning of The Wrath Of Khan, an otherwise amazing film.

Pavel Chekov and other crew members of the USS Reliant were sent to Ceti Alpha VI to survey a supposedly lifeless planet for experimentation with the Genesis device. While exploring the surface, Chekov and the others encountered the wreckage of the SS Botany Bay, Khan's ship from Space Seed.

Despite the fact that Walter Koenig hadn't joined the cast yet when Space Seed was filmed, Khan immediately recognised Chekov, but there's actually a much more annoying part about this scene.

Khan explained that the planet they were on was, in fact, Ceti Alpha V, the planet that Khan and his fellow Augments were left on at the end of Space Seed. Apparently, Ceti Alpha VI exploded and devastated the already harsh environment of Khan's planet. Yet, it's still unexplained how a planetary explosion could be ignored by the Federation, especially since they know that a group of the most dangerous Humans in the universe were settled in that same system. One would also think that they'd return to check on the Augments.

You can't really be mad at Khan for being frustrated here.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.